The log analysis can be exported as a pdf report for delivery to customers and/or storage as evidence of the test and the measurements.
If the Wi-Fi Report tool has been used to create custom report views, these will be added to the PDF report (in addition to the standard report output).
Custom Wi-Fi reports will be covered later nOversight Wi-Fi Reports
The PDF report is a compilation of the key summary points for the analysis as well as a snapshot for each session.
The cover page shows an overall assessment of the network against the design targets set in the settings area (we will come to that next).
the summary shows how well the signal strength target and short sessions target has been met. Additionally, there is an indication of home many times the device reported 'Beacons lost' as this is indicative of the device going out of range.
Additional details include the tester, test date and device used for the test.
The summary and score is changing and the settings will allow you to choose how to score networks in future so this can be more tailored to your needs.
A summary of the advisories as explained in Scores and Advisoriesare included
A summary of the signal distribution and the list of connected Wi-Fi networks is included.
A list of the connected APs for each network is provided (however this currently truncates to 1 page)
Each session is reported in its own page (currently truncated to 1-page) as a record of where performance issue may have existed at the time the report was created.