nOversight Overview
An overview of the nOversight Application
Last updated
An overview of the nOversight Application
Last updated
The nOversight application is currently available for MacOS and iOS (iPhones and iPads). This section focusses on the MacOS application.
This is the first point of interaction when capturing live logs. Choose the device to analyse and start the capture.
It also shows the time at which logs are being viewed - this ios the current time when logs are live, or when moving the timeline slider, it will let you know where you are in the historical logs
The import of saved logs can also be monitored here
The tools panel switches between the various analysis tools.
nOversight has 3 main Tools
Wi-Fi Analysis - Import logs, navigate through the detail, find issues
A live view shows the details for the current connection for Wi-Fi and cellular
The analysis views look at the captured data statistically, providing details of connection sessions, performance of each Wi-Fi AP and insight into roaming decisions
Wi-Fi Report - Create a custom report for a section of your overall test
The log laded into memory can be split up into smaller sections for analysis (e.g. each floor of a building) and included in the final report as a separate output
Wi-Fi Map (Requires nOversight iOS) - Display network measurements against location
If nOversight for iOS was running during a test, the location information it produces can be show together with the log data to put a geographical performance map together. Ideal for large outdoor sites.
The control panel is where the recordings, import and export of logs are managed.
PDF reports are created here
The view can be managed here - allowing for control of what displays on the charts
The design validation thresholds are set here including Signal Strength targets, Congestion tolerance and Wi-Fi roaming stability indicators