Live Captures & Recordings
How to capture logs
Last updated
How to capture logs
Last updated
Live logging is the best way to start using nOversight as you can change aspects of the wireless connection and watch this change in nOversight.
If you are using a Mac, now is a good time to connect your device via a cable.
Is can be helpful to untether and walk the device around on its own. To do that the following criteria must be met.
The device and the MAC must be discoverable on the network. This could be the same Wi-Fi SSID which supports mDNS. The Mac could alternatively be cabled as long as it it can receive mDNS from the device.
Wireless logging must be enabled. To do this, open Finder, select the connected device, ensure the "Show this Phone when on Wi-Fi" option is selected
Let's make something happen so that we can see what is going on. While the logs are being streamed, turn airplane mode on and off. What do you see as the device connects to Wi-Fi.
With your devices connected to your Mac, press to ensure all devices are up to date
The press the icon to show a list of the available devices in a drop down. Select the device you want to read logs from.
First, just get used to streaming logs by pressing . The play icon will change to a stop icon.
If you want to save the captures for later playback then stop the capture and choose to Record Live Captures in settings .
The icon will change to a recording icon to indicate your captures are being recorded.